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How to make hand sanitizer ✋ at home | Diy sanitizer Recipe | 100% Effective | Corona safety

Duration: 05:26Views: 5.9KLikes: 68Date Created: Mar, 2020

Channel: Tapash Ghosh

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: homemade hand sanitizer spray without aloe verahand sanitiserhand sanitizer formulationhow to make hand sanitizer spraydiy hand sanitizer lotionhand sanitizer ingredientscorona safetydiyhow to make hand sanitizer without alcoholdiy hand sanitizer at homediy hand sanitizerhow to make scented hand sanitizerhow to make hand sanitizer at homehow to make hand washspray rubbing alcohol

Description: Hello friends, Today I will not discuss anything technical in this video, today I will show you how to make hand sanitizer at home, because no hand sanitizer is available in India at this time. How to make hand sanitizer ✋ at home | Diy sanitizer Recipe | 100% Effective • Hand Sanitizer is totally out of stock everywhere in India, Online as well as offline, So here is a quick 100% effective DIY Hand Sanitizer recipe for you all. 👉Follow the instruction from this video, Make it at home, Please do Share it with your loved ones and people in need. help others in this time. ❌Do not panic or stressed at this time, 👉Follow WHO's website to be updated about COVID19 👉WHO's Website Link - who.int ❤️We all are together in this and we can overcome it. 🌍Stay home, 🌍Wash your hands frequently, 🌍Use Sanitizer when going out, 🌍Wear n95 respirator mask when going out, 🌍Stock medicine and food, 🌍 Don't waste food, sanitizer, water, 🌍Take Care of your family and pets, 🌍Try to eat homemade food and avoid eating out in this time. 🌍Try to strictly avoid large gathering with 100-200 people. 🌍Have Faith. 👉THINGS YOU WILL NEED: 1. IPA Iso-Propyl Alcohol 99.9% - 70% Pure I got it from Medical store you can also get it from amazon.in 2. Aloe vera jel : amzn.to/3b7bgng 3. Glycerine liquid : amzn.to/3akzc6o Final: Hand Sanitizer is ready. ✨(See somthing new Learn Somthing new) (নতুন কিছু দেখুন, নতুন কিছু শিখুন) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► To Watch all our videos, click here- goo.gl/hThIQL ► Subscribe to our channel, click here -bit.ly/2kMiPpy ►Visit website : androidshikkhok.com ►FaceBook : fb.com/androidshikkhok.post ►Twitter : twitter.com/androidshikkhok ►Instagram : instagram.com/androidshikkhok ►Google+ -bit.ly/2l4wKdb ►YouTube : youtube.com/AndroidShikkhok ►whatsapp No.- +9181708 65583 ________________________________________ LIKE__COMMENT__SHARE__SUBSCRIBE___SUPPORT __________________________________ ►About : Android Shikkhok is a YouTube Channel, where you will find Android Tips & tricks,technological Tips & Tricks . more tags : DIY Hand Sanitizer at Home, DIY Hand Sanitizer, Hand Sanitiser, DIY, Corona safety ,homemade hand sanitizer, homemade handsanitizer, hand sanitizer, natural hand sanitizer, homemade hand sanitizer spray, homemade hand sanitizer without aloe vera, hand sanitizer how to make, make your own hand sanitizer, diy sanitizer, hand sanitiser, homemade hand sanitizers, घर पर बनाऐं हैण्ड सेनिटाइजर, diy hand sanitizer, natural, homemade foaming hand sanitizer, homemade natural hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer making, hand sanitizer spray

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